How the Sarbanes-Oxley Act affects your data center

In 2002, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, or SOX, ushered in a new wave of business regulations that dictated how corporate financial data should be kept and accessed. A response to highly publicized white collar crimes by firms like Enron, the SOX sets up stiff fines – sometimes into the millions of…

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The 3 realizations you’ll have during technical commissioning

Technical commissioning isn’t simple by any stretch of the imagination. But beyond the countless ducts, fans and pipes buried in every facility, there’s a deluge of untapped data stirring around – technical commissioning exists to set it free. Read on for a few simple, succinct pieces of advice that are…

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Kansas City recognized for Energy Star Buildings

Tying for 23rd place, Kansas City ranked prominently on the national list of cities with the most buildings with Energy Star certification. The metropolitan area had a total of 82 structures on the list for the top Energy Star cities of 2012. Kansas City tied Portland, Oregon, for the 23rd…

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The how and when of technical commissioning

Technical commissioning is the cornerstone of high-quality building planning. With an objective understanding of a building’s systems, technical commissioning provides stakeholders not only the peace of mind that there is no impending catastrophe, but also an in-depth, behind-the-scenes look at how to improve efficiency. (more…)

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How Building Automation Systems Work

To use an analogy, a building automation system (BAS) makes up both the circulatory and nervous systems of a structure, constantly measuring, adapting to change and routing problems. A BAS is like the circulatory system in that it transmits signals and resources, namely electricity and air, wherever needed – much…

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Technical commissioning vs. process commissioning

When analyzing the energy efficiency and power status of a structure, whether it’s new or old, big or small, futuristically efficient or embarrassingly wasteful, there are two options that are widely regarded as the most prevalent among stakeholders.  These are technical commissioning and process commissioning. (more…)

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Building Automation and Control Systems Basics

A Building Automation System (BAS) is a vast web of interlinked hardware and software that ensures that a structure’s internal environment stays comfortable, safe, efficient and monitored. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lights, blinds, safety fail-safes and all the equipment and power behind them are pieces of the BAS puzzle. On…

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Existing Building Commissioning vs. Ongoing Commissioning

Despite their growing popularities among building owners, the difference between existing building commissioning and ongoing commissioning still seems vague to many building owners and facility managers. The following information sheds some light on the differences between these practices. Retro-commissioning, also called Existing Building Commissioning or EBCx, deals with work exclusive…

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