Green-collar degrees grow in popularity

The “School of Sustainability” at Arizona State University graduates its first class in May. With 300 total degrees handed out between the Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science and graduate degrees, ASU is one of the pioneering schools of an explosive new trend in green-collar degrees. Students who intend to…

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The data center energy metrics you might be missing

When discussing green data center energy metrics, the acronym you’ll hear thrown around most often is PUE, or power usage effectiveness. PUE takes into account how much energy the servers (and their associate devices, like lights, coolers and work stations) consume. (more…)

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6 signs your building needs existing building commissioning

Many building owners recognize the word “commissioning,” the process by which recently constructed buildings are assessed to confirm that all the electrical and HVAC systems work as planned. Commissioning is usually done when a building is first completed, verifying that the structure is in tip-top shape for actual use by…

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Guarding against infection when commissioning a healthcare facility

Beyond the general overview of retro-commissioning a healthcare facility, there are myriad specific tasks that can be done to maintain a healthy, protective climate for a hospital’s patients. Two of the most important considerations are detailed below: (more…)

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Evaluating the risks of health facility commissioning

Existing building commissioning can have a prolific impact on patients, and special measures need to be taken to ensure that those patients have the care, comfort and peace of mind they’ve come to expect from a healthcare institution. With all the attention given to the remodel itself and its associated costs…

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3 tips for finding a green data center

Finding a data center that suits your needs, budget and constraints can be serious business. Technology changes faster than the tide, and it’s easy to quickly feel in over your head when scanning through jargonized facility descriptions and stats that may as well be Greek. Here are three tips to…

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Health Facility Planning: The PDC Summit returns March 16-19

An industry event that collaboratively addresses growing concerns and new developments in health facility planning, design and construction, the PDC Summit will be held this year in Orlando, Florida. The summit is administered by not-for-profit visionaries from around the country, and one hundred percent of the conference revenue is used…

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Four things to consider before launching a green data center

For you readers a little late to the party, green data centers – high efficiency, low-cost server rooms that house your company’s computerized information – are all the rage. From a PR standpoint, they’re saving the environment one watt at a time. From a budgeting standpoint, they’re slashing overhead costs…

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