Hospital Sustainability

U.S. health care facilities spend a roughly $8.8 billion every year on energy costs to operate. Energy costs from heating, cooling, lighting, medical devices, and electronics in hospitals add up to more than $675,000 annually, exceeding the per-building energy costs of any other type of building by a factor of…

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Does Your Commercial Building Qualify for PACE Financing Upgrades?

PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Legislation passed state government is designed to assist building owners with needed funds to implement effective energy upgrades to their commercial buildings. These upgrades save energy, save money, create jobs, increase property value and tenant retention.  The monies are disbursed to fund the project and paid…

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The Cost of Commissioning: Bridging the Gap Between Expectations and Reality

While it is difficult to find hard data on the gap between commissioning expectations and delivered results, anecdotal stories of dissatisfaction are unfortunately easy to find. Mostly the complaints that building owners have focus on the divide between how sustainable systems are promised to perform and their actual, real world…

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Reducing the Carbon Footprint of a Building Through Commissioning

As new construction takes place all over the country, many building owners are making energy efficiency and “green” construction  a priority. This isn’t surprising considering that building with reducing the carbon footprint in mind is both environmentally and financially sound. The less energy a building uses, and the more efficiently…

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Monitoring Energy Use-Commercial Buildings Save Money

With the expansion of PACE (Property Assessment Clean Energy) programs across the country, upgrading to energy efficient building solutions is becoming a reality for more and more Americans. 100% financing, 20 year amortized repayment through property taxes, and the promise of utility savings that will exceed the amount of repayment…

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The Importance of Owner Involvement in Retro-Commissioning

The company that you choose to work with on your retro-commissioning project is, in large part, responsible for the success of the project. However, the building owner can have a large impact on the outcome as well. (more…)

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Issues and Problems in New Commercial Building Construction

As the economy continues to recover from the down turn, new commercial building construction is on the rise across the US. As new buildings are being built, more and more building owners are finding that the new building they have just constructed have serious flaws and problems from day one.…

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Retro-Commissioning Basics

Retro-commissioning, as opposed to commissioning, is the process by which an existing buildings systems and equipment are optimized to function  and operate together efficiently. The goal of retro-commissioning is to enhance the overall building performance by adjusting, tracking, and fixing mechanical, electrical, and control systems throughout the building. Commission, on…

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