Know the code – 2024 IECC requires that the Preliminary Commissioning Report be received by the code official before the final inspection
Mar 18, 2019
The 2024 International Energy Conservation Code® (IECC®) requires that every building be commissioned and given the new complexity of building systems, the commissioning scope must include the entire building, commonly referred to as “Whole Building Commissioning”. Additionally, the 2024 IECC requires that the Preliminary Commissioning Report be received by the code official before the final inspection.
C408.2.4.1 Acceptance of report.
Buildings, or portionsthereof, shall not be considered acceptable for a final inspection pursuant to Section Cl04.3 until the code official has received a letter of transmittal from the building owner acknowledging that the building owner or owner’s authorized agent has received the Preliminary Commissioning Report.
Sys-Tek is certified by ASHRAE to provide Whole Building Technical Commissioning.
For more information visit, the Whole Building Design Guide website at