How does the Better Buildings Challenge work?

The Better Buildings Challenge is a voluntary challenge that businesses and building owners can participate in with the shared goal of improving energy efficiency within their buildings. The Better Buildings Challenge was spurred by President Obama’s Better Buildings Initiative, which was a commitment made in February 2011 for improving energy…

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Keeping up savings after Retro-Commissioning

Did you know that the average reduction in energy costs as a result of retro-commissioning is 16 percent? The rate is even higher with buildings that operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Unfortunately, failing to keep up with the recommended changes following the Retro-Commissioning process can cause…

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Determining roles in a Retro-Commissioning project

For a Retro-Commissioning project to have lasting success, the entire staff and faculty of an organization must be on board and dedicated to making sure the project is fully carried out. Establishing a Retro-Commissioning project with a team-oriented approach can foster a sense of collaboration that is vital to the…

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Better Buildings Challenge encourages institutions to pursue Retro-Commissioning

The Better Buildings Challenge was launched by President Obama in 2011 with the goal of improving the energy efficiency of commercial buildings, institutional buildings, and industrial plants throughout America by at least 20 percent by the year 2020. (more…)

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Retro-Commissioning case studies: office buildings

Since the peak occupancy of office buildings usually occurs during business hours on weekdays, Retro-Commissioning can offer massive energy savings by timing lighting and other systems to coincide with occupancy. Review the following case studies to learn more about the potential cost and energy savings available through Retro-Commissioning. Crown Plaza,…

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Direct savings potential of Retro-Commissioning

Many property owners believe that operating and maintaining a building is associated with a number of mandatory expenses that are unavoidable. However, most property owners don’t know that Retro-Commissioning can actually save money by allowing buildings to operate and function optimally while using fewer energy resources. The investments that are…

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No-cost Retro-Commissioning case study findings

Building owners are sometimes hesitant to embark on a Retro-Commissioning project out of fear of potentially high costs. People often assume that, between the cost of the commissioning agent and the cost to implement the agent’s recommendations, it may take too long to offset those costs with the savings generated…

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Goals of the retro-commissioning process

In addition to helping a building save thousands of dollars on energy costs every year, Retro-Commissioning can also result in the improved comfort, safety, and health of a building’s occupants or tenants. When Retro-Commissioning is performed on a building, certain goals should be considered to ensure that the process results…

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