University of Missouri – Electric Boiler Study
Apr 24, 2024
University of Missouri
Electric Boiler Study
The objective of this project involved reviewing the feasibility of installing two new electrode boilers at UMKC to supplement existing 600 HP boilers located in Miller Nichols Library and in the Spencer Chemistry & Biological Sciences Building.
Demolition work included temporarily removing exterior walls and sidewalks for installation of the boilers. Once the boilers were moved into place, the walls and sidewalks were reinstalled.
As a result of this initiative, new work was performed, including the provision by Kansas City Power & Light of a 6000 KW, 13.2 KV, 3 phase service to a new padmounted switch capable of providing 20,000 lbs. / hour steam. This is located adjacent to the Miller Nichols Library and to the Spencer Chemistry & Biological Sciences Building. This service was provided at no cost to UMKC.
Power was connected from KCP&L SC switch to vacuum breakers and then to boilers with no redundant feeds. A boiler feed tank was then installed with three pumps sized for 50 PSIG steam.
Our installation also included a new water softener for boiler water make up, as well as the installation of a condensate polishing system to assure longevity of electrodes. The control wiring connections to the Honeywell system were then installed.
This project was added by reconfiguring and reusing existing 10″ steam main piping to Miller Nichols Library. Reconfiguration to other piping in boiler room was completed to support the installation. Piping connections to water softener, boiler feedwater, makeup water, steam, and blowdown piping were also installed.
The following assumptions were made in calculating the estimated savings and return on investment (ROI) for this project:
* Two alternatives – UMKC will schedule to run the boilers only during non-peak hours, or UMKC will run the boilers 100% of the time.
It is assumed that 100% of the UMKC natural gas data from 2007 represents the baseline for future demand. The 2007 natural gas demand for Miller Nichols and Spencer Chemistry was 132,528 MCF. Heating requirements tend to increase slightly each year. Therefore, future demand is increased by 1.5% per year.
Existing UMKC boilers operate at 83-84%, according to boiler efficiency reports. Electrode boilers operate at 99+%. For the purposes of this study, it is assumed that electrode boilers consume 15% less energy to provide the same steam output.
All new electrical demand and consumption will occur at the least expensive rate, because those thresholds have already been exceeded by UMKC.
The time horizon for the ROI is 15 years.