Sprint – UPS Upgrades
Apr 24, 2024


UPS Upgrades

Over a two year span, we provided engineering design and construction management for 8 separate sites located from New York to Seattle. The project scope of work included upgrading the UPS systems by removing the existing unit and installing a new larger unit. The key element is that the UPS systems were replaced without affecting power operation to the facility itself.


To meet the project objective, we came up with a unique push-pull design approach that allowed us to push the existing unit out and pull the new unit during a 8-hour maintenance window.

Construction management and project planning required developing detailed method of procedures. In addition, as the construction managers, we would work side-by-side with contractors to insure all preliminary work was completed prior to starting the replacement.

Replacement of the UPS equipment was scheduled well in advance, placing the facility on generator power. Once on generator power, we would synchronize a wrap around electrical bypass with the UPS that was to be replaced. At that time, we would begin the replacement and bring the new UPS on-line.


The critical nature of the project required precise timing and detailed planning. As the construction manager, we were on site for all the construction work providing engineering support and construction supervision.