Sanofi-Aventis – Heating Hot Water System Upgrades
Apr 24, 2024
Heating Hot Water System Upgrades
Scope of Work
The scope of work included analysis and redesign of the existing hot water heating system to improve control of the hot water system, to increase efficiency, and improve system distribution.
The existing facility was a constant volume hot water system which provided heating water to air handling units, system processes, and zone heaters. The existing system did not have enough heating capacity to meet demands on the coldest days. In addition, the system had poor control and many areas of the plant did not get adequate hot water.
From our field testing, hydraulic modeling, and engineering analysis, we developed a comprehensive plan for system upgrades. From our engineering analysis we determined where the flow and pressure problems existed and therefore better understood how to proceed & correct the problems the facility was experiencing.
Additional capacity and improved controllability of existing systems was needed and were designed into the existing system by adding a new heat exchanger in one of the facilities centrally located boiler rooms. Design also included installation of new primary and secondary pumps, zone control valves, and upgrade of pipe sizes to handle the current & future demand loads.
To improve constructability, we provided the layouts of new equipment locations, using 3D modeling. This allowed us to maximize the size of new equipment and gave the contractors a very clear picture of the installation needs and requirements.
As the prime consultant for the project, we provided all necessary construction services including coordination meetings, project scheduling, development of installation procedures, and assembly of operation & maintenance manuals.