North Kansas City Hospital – Engineering Program Analysis
Apr 24, 2024

North Kansas City Hospital

Engineering Program Analysis

Under this project, we performed an in-depth engineering analysis of the chiller and piping distribution systems serving the hospital. The project objective was to determine the current state of operation and to develop a master plan that could be implemented, going forward as the facility continues to expand.

Engineering for Future Needs

The challenge that had to be overcome is that the hospital had gone through multiple expansions & upgrades over a 40-year period. Through all the expansions & additions, the chilled water systems were tapped into, expanded, and modified resulting in operation that was undesirable and made future expansions & additions difficult to ascertain.

Under our engineering study and program development, we modeled the chilled water distribution systems using computer generated hydronic analysis computer model. Using the computer model we developed what-if scenarios and projected expansion for the next 10-years that centralizing chiller systems, upgrades pumping distribution, and automates chiller system operation to increase overall plant efficiency & improve system reliability & maintainability. Services provided under this project included field measuring over 80 different points in the piping distribution systems, field measuring pumping system, and evaluation of system flow at each of the air handling systems (more than forty total).

Funding Projects With Energy Savings

The result of our study and program development provided a clear and concise plan for the hospital to implement an upgrade program over ten separate budget years. By implementing the upgrade program chiller systems will be reduced from four separate chiller plants to two and pumping distribution will be centralized at the two central plants. In addition, risers between the various project additions will be increased and the plant controllability will be upgraded to allow for automatic operations.

On-Going Commissioning & Upgrades

Since the initial study was completed, sys-tek has continued to support the hospital with its plant operation through retro-commissioning and engineering study. Recent projects include the evaluation of the Patient Tower chiller plant, which resulted in identifying improperly sized pumps dating back to the original installation in 1992. Under this project, pumps were replaced, and by doing so, doubled the capacity of the chiller plant and increased overall operational efficiency by allowing this plant to operate in a crosstie arrangement with the 3rd floor plant. This resulted in substantial operational savings in both energy and reliability.