Gardner, Kansas – Johnson County Operations Center
Apr 24, 2024
Johnson County Operations Center
MEP Design
Gardner, Kansas
sys-tek provided MEP engineering design for the new Operations Center building. The facility is a two-story office in the front, and the back is a warehouse.
Our scope included 10,000 square foot build out for archive storage. HVAC systems were designed to maintain a constant temperature and humidly in the space year round. The second floor supports office loads with approximately 10,000 sq. ft. to accommodate high density type storage loads for rolling rack storage.
During the development of the project plan, sys-tek sized the HVAC equipment, explored possible equipment locations, and determined requirements for electrical, fire protection, and plumbing systems. System options were coordinated with the design team and evaluated on the basis of efficiency, reliability, maintainability, and first cost.
Upon completion of the programming requirements, we worked closely with the facility staff to coordinate space requirements and location of equipment. During this phase of the project, we remained sensitive to the operation elements and intended use of the facility.
Upon completion of the construction of the new Operations Center, sys-tek commissioned the new Building Automation and HVAC systems to validate performance & reliability to meet the operational needs of the facility. Through the commissioning process, we worked with Johnson County staff to identify system deficiencies and ensure all equipment & systems were operating per the design documents & specifications.
During the construction of the facility, sys-tek staff was on hand to review and coordinate the application of the testing plan. sys-tek documented all equipment & systems ensuring function complied with the facility’s system requirements, objectives, and all contract documents.