Ameripath Laboratory – Lab Renovation and Build-Out
Apr 24, 2024

Ameripath Laboratory

Lab Renovation and Build-Out

This project included the renovation & build-out of an existing vacant office for a new pathology laboratory facility and supporting administrative offices. The client is a leading national provider of physician-based, anatomic pathology services. sys-tek approached this project practically and economically while complimenting the architectural features of the facility.

Putting the Client’s Needs First

Considerations of various work space functions and lab requirements were embraced throughout the design process. The client’s existing laboratory was located in St. Luke’s Hospital. Our initial task was to interview staff members to determine laboratory requirements and to analyze their work flow. Engineering services for this project included mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems. Various areas of the facility such as the laboratory, office areas, the computer room, plus the conference, break, and training rooms were addressed individually in an effort to best meet the needs of the client’s use of those spaces.

We Promised It On Time And Delivered In Six Months

Budget and time constraints were of utmost importance to this project since the client had a limited budget and only six months to design & construct their new laboratory and supporting offices. sys-tek was able to complete this project within the budget and time restrictions.

Commissioning And Startup

Value-added services provided for this project included system commissioning, testing, adjusting, and balancing. Commissioning services included generator testing, control automation commissioning, and startup for the central station air handling system, which included a heat recovery wheel for recovering waste heat from the exhaust air stream. Balancing included fume hood, laminar exhaust system for lab counters, and hydronic balancing for reheat coils.